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Kindly bear with us and for enquiries please contact mail@kinlong.com .
Oops ! Our English website is under development, we expect the development to be over by June , We highly regret the inconvenience caused.
Kindly bear with us and for enquiries please contact mail@kinlong.com .
1. 利用孔底的擴孔壁與機械錨栓的鎖鍵相切來形成鎖鍵效應,完成錨固作用
2. 可承受極高的荷載,可用于承受沖擊和地震載荷等動荷載
3. 模擴式機械錨栓具有真正的機械鎖鍵效應
4. 產品由螺桿、推力套管、墊片和螺母組成